Weekly Workout Roundup

I did it!  Marathon #2 is in the bag.  It was fun, tough, challenging, and painful but I’m glad I did it.  My time was 4:18:50 which is a 9:50 pace.  I really didn’t have a concrete time goal so I’m pleased with it; I am looking forward to taking more minutes off of the next one!


Newest bling to add to the collection

I’ll have a full recap later on this week so for now I’m just going to do my workout recap.  Although, between tapering for the marathon and being sick, the workouts were pretty pitiful.

Monday: 3 mile run.

Tuesday: 150 pushups.

Wednesday: sick, sick, sick…

Thursday: 170 pushups, 4 mile run.

Friday: Rest

Saturday: Yoga – sun salutations and seated hip openers.

Sunday: Rock-n-Roll New Orleans…..26.3 freaking miles! (Yes, I managed to run an extra .10 of a mile.)

Also, last week, I finished the 100 pushup program!! This was the six week program that I attempted last Nov/Dec and ended up quitting with just two days to go.  It was still incredibly challenging towards the end but I’m proud of myself for finishing.  I’ve been joining Jennifer, Alex and Jacki with their #nogirlypushup challenge and I think the extra accountability really helped.girly-pushups1

If you haven’t checked out their challenge, do so.  You can will some very cool prizes! Last week, I won some socks from The Sox Box.  Waaahoooo!  I’m still going to continue with the pushups but I don’t think I’ll be doing 170 in a day anytime soon again.

Question:  How was your weekend? Did you do anything extra special or just have a relaxing few days at home?

Weekly Workout Recap & It’s Marathon Week!

In case the title didn’t give it away, I’ve officially made it to marathon week.  In 6 days I’ll be running my second 26.2 in New Orleans.


It’s so hard for me to wrap my head around this fact and I’m pretty sure I’m in some sort of denial.  I have zero nerves right now (they’ll probably kick in Saturday) and I haven’t even given much thought to race weekend logistics (which includes not having a clue what I’m wearing).

I have a pretty laissez faire attitude towards this race which is the exact opposite of how I was during my first marathon four months ago.  I pulled up my recap from the last week of my Marine Corps Marathon training and was amused to see such a difference in attitudes.  My nerves were pretty darn apparent in the week leading up to the MCM.

This weekend my running girls and I got together for our last long(ish) run.  I say ‘ish’ since it was only 10 miles.  Despite being cold and windy, we had a great run.  I’m so proud of us for making it to the end of training and I’m especially excited for my friend Lorena who will be rocking her first marathon – EEK!!


Stretching post 10 mile run.
Next long run will be the 26.2. Say whaaaaat!?!?

I’m linking up with Kat from Sneakers and Fingerpaints to bring you my weekly workout roundup.


Monday: 3 mile run, weights (biceps, triceps, deltoids), and I attempted a 15-1 WOD of jumping squats, pushups, leg raises; however, I only made it down to 10 in 12:12 which is 75 total reps each. #OUCH
Tuesday: Cycling 15.91 miles in one hour, 86 pushups
Wednesday: 7 miles tempo run, kettlebell workout
Thursday: 100 pushups, jump roped for the first time since I was a kid – hello calf pain
Friday: 4.08 miles, 120 pushups
Saturday: 10 mile run, yoga
Sunday: 130 pushups

Whew.  Even though I had reduced running miles, I actually feel pretty proud of my workouts last week.  I tried a few new things (WODs and jump roping) that I’m excited to work into my regular routine.  I’m also pretty darn pleased on the pushup front.  I did a total of 511 pushups last week!!

It’s been really nice to have support from the ladies behind the #nogirlypushup challenge. I made it to week 6 day 1 of the 100 Pushup program – the final week.  If you remember from the 100 pushup fail post this was the furthest day I got to before quitting.  I’m feeling really good so far and am looking forward to completing the program.


As far as my workouts go this week, I’m really going to take it easy.  I’m going to finish out the pushup challenge but I’m not going to do any weights workouts or anything else that would tax my muscles.  I want to make sure to be as fresh as possible for next Sunday.  So here’s hoping I stick with that plan.

Question:  Do you do anything special during race week?

Weekly Workout Roundup

Looking back on last week, I have mixed emotions on my workouts.  I had some really great ones, and some really terrible ones.  Because I like to focus on the positive first, take a second to check out Saturday’s work  out.  🙂

*BOOM* Sub 2 PR!! I’ll have a full recap later this week, but suffice to say, Saturday’s race was ah-maaaaa-zing!  I kept a pace of 8:54 but what really surprised me is that I totally could have pushed it harder.  So a big thank you, thank you, thank you for all of your encouragement! I really didn’t think that I could do it.


Another proud moment from last week’s workouts is the fact that I got in 215 {total} pushups.  If you remember, I decided to start the 100 pushup program again after failing to finish it last time.  I just nailed week 4 and today starts week 5.  This is really where it got hard last time but my friend Jennifer from Wine to Weightlifting started a “No More Girly Pushup Challenge” which is helping motivate me.


Even though I’m 4 weeks ahead of everyone else, I’m really loving the support and encouragement.  Plus there are PRIZES!! Take a second to check it out if you’re interested.

Now let’s talk about where I fell short.  No cross training or weightlifting whatsoever and Tuesday’s 8 mile speed work session ended at only 2 miles.   Rarely do I cut runs short but my heart was just not there.  That was the night before Starla’s surgery and I just couldn’t focus on speed work.  I had full intentions of making it up but then I traveled for work the next day.

So here’s the breakdown of my workouts this week.


Monday: (am) Yoga – hip flexors, (pm) 6 mile run.

Tuesday: (am) 63 pushups, yoga – sun salutations, (pm) 2 mile run.

Wednesday: travel for work

Thursday: (am) 72 pushups, yoga – hip flexors, (pm) 5 mile run.

Friday: Rest.

Saturday: Mississippi River Inaugural Marathon (13.29 mile in 1:58:24)

Sunday: 80 pushups

The marathon is now less then 2 weeks out which means that my miles are reduced significantly.   BOO.  I didn’t experience any taper madness during the first marathon so hopefully these next two weeks will go by without me clawing my eyeballs out.  I do plan on hitting the gym hard this week for both cross & strength training.

Question:  What was your proud moment from last week?