Weekly Workout Recap

Why, hello, Monday.  I see we meet again.  I’m feeling fresh and ready to tackle whatever this week may throw my way.

This weekend was particularly hard to say goodbye to.  It was filled with fun, food, and of course a bit of running.  Saturday was my last long run which means I’m officially tapering now.  I had 20 miles on tap so I woke up early to meet my running girls.  It was a bit chilly but it warmed up quickly and turned into a gorgeous morning.  The run felt seamless and I was able to talk one of my running girls into going an extra mile with me.  So 20 miles turned into 21.  BOOM!


And because I’m masochistic, I have to share this photo fail with you.  How many fingers do I hold up to make 21? Luckily, I figured it out on take 2 (see above picture).


I have a bad habit of adding miles to my runs.  I don’t do it often, but there are just some runs where I don’t want to stop.  I adore those runs because it reminds me why I run in the first place.

After the run, I showered and then met my stepsister for some carbo re-loading.  I was in a sweet mood and ended up getting some fat free peanut butter frozen yogurt and topping it with peanut butter chips and crushed oreos.  Not clean at all, but life too short to not treat yourself occasionally.  Also, I might be slightly addicted to peanut butter…

Peanut Butter froyo, will you marry me?

Peanut Butter froyo, will you marry me?

Sunday, the hubs and I went for a pre Suber Bowl stroll on the beach.  It was such a lovely day; Spring is definitely on its way to South Mississippi.  Then we came home and I made some eats for the big game.


Steak and caramelized onion pizza on garlic rosemary crust from the farmer’s market. mmmm-mmmm!

So how did I do on my workouts last week?  Linking up with Kat from Sneakers and Fingerpaints to bring you my workout recap.


Monday: 4 mile run with 4 strides, kettlebell workout, 12 pushups.

Tuesday: (AM) yoga – Sun Salutations, (PM) 7 miles of Yassos at 3:54, 45 pushups.

Wednesday: 15.29 miles of cycling, kettlebell workout.

Thursday: 6 mile run, 50 pushups.

Friday: NOTHING!!

Saturday: 21 mile LSD (long slow run) at a 10:15 pace, 55 pushups.

Sunday: 3.5 mile walk on the beach with my love.

Looking at last week’s workouts, I should be pleased but I really don’t feel like I got everything in I wanted to.  I only did yoga once and I didn’t use any of the weight machines at the gym.  I think it’s just nerves kicking in for this weekend.  It’s so strange that I’m more nervous for this 1/2 marathon then I am with my upcoming marathon.  I guess it’s because I’ve set a goal I’m not sure I can achieve.  Oh well.  I guess we’ll see on Saturday. 😉

Question:  How did you do on your workouts?  Do you ever set goals you may not be able to achieve?

25 thoughts on “Weekly Workout Recap

  1. I would say your workout week went pretty well. Gotta save up energy for those long runs! But I also totally get the feeling of not being satisfied with my workouts. At least you had some AMAZING looking pizza to make up for it!

  2. great week of workouts! I love that you busted out 55 push ups after a 21 mile run! I am a very goal oriented person so I am always setting goals for something. Sometimes I achieve them and sometime I don’t. Such is life! 😀 You’ll do amazing this weekend!! I’ll be cheering you on from a beach in Mexico! 😀

  3. You had a great week! I’m sure you’ll have a great half marathon next weekend. I always set goals for myself that I’m not sure I can reach, but there’s always another time to reach it. Plus if you unexpectedly make it, then it’s a great feeling. 🙂

    • Thanks, Amanda! You’re totally right with it being a great feeling when you accomplish it. I’m going to try to remember that this weekend; that way I’m not disappointed if I don’t reach it.

      • Or maybe give yourself a time range instead of a set time. Then if you hit the higher end of the range, you’ve still hit your goal.

  4. I feel we all add miles to our runs. It’s much easier to add miles (in my opinion) then take them off LOL. I always get more nervous for races I have set serious goals with. I don’t get nervous for races that I have no expecations with…how sad LOL.

    • I find I {mentally} beat myself up more for subtracting miles so I definitely don’t mind adding. Always gives me a small boost of confidence. I think if I competed like you do, I would try very hard to not have expectations with every race; seems like it would burn a person out to not have ‘fun’ races. 🙂

  5. Yay on the 21 miler! I tend to have 2 week strength training regimes, meaning I don’t do the same thing each week, I have a 2 week rotation. So one week I will do more pushups/ground work with my arms (and swim) and the next week I will do more stuff with weights. Also good for me to keep things fresh and not boring!

    • That sounds like a great plan, Nicole. After marathon training ends I’m going to look at developing a strength training plan. something a bit more definite then ‘go to the gym and work the machines’. I’m always scared to do intense weights during training since I’m so graceful (i.e. clumsy).

  6. so, that pizza looks totally amazing!! i love all sorts of crazy pizzas like that. i also have an addiction to nut butters of all types. i currently have 4 different ones in my pantry. whoops! aahhaha. love ya lady!

  7. Holyyyyy cannoli’s that pizza looks GOOD! You know how much I love some pizza! ….. 🙂
    You had a straight up badass week! Way to go on your long run! After 21 miles I don’t think I can fault you for your math, my brain wouldn’t be working right at all either and I’d be more off than +1!

  8. “20 miles became 21”–HOLY COW!! I can’t even fathom running 20 miles … let alone 10, lol. Keep kicking butt, and don’t forget to embrace the taper–you earned it!

    • How fun!! You are going to do amazing at your marathon! 20 miles seems scary at first, but once you conquer it you have such an amazing feeling of accomplishment. It’s priceless. Good luck with your training!

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