Getting Away

Between my husband’s job and his masters program, I really don’t get to see him much from mid-November through the end of December so each January we try to take a mini-vacay just to say ‘hi’ to each other again.  And that’s exactly what we did this weekend.

Hello from Florida!

Hello from Florida!

We left Friday morning, headed to the sunshiny state of Florida; specifically our favorite place – Panama City Beach.  Ok, I realize that I live on a beach but there’s just something magical about the emerald green waters that Florida’s beaches have.  We got there Friday and got checked into the condo and hauled in all of our stuff.


Yes, that’s two suitcases for 4 days.  I’m normally a light packer but I knew I had a 20 mile run on schedule for Saturday and I thought I might hit the gym a few times while I was there.  Don’t judge.

Temporary home away from home.

Temporary home away from home.


After bringing all of our stuff in, we got to do our very favorite thing while in Florida; watch the sunset.  I know, call us Grandma and Grandpa but it’s really what we like to do.

Sunset day 1

Sunset day 1

Sunset Day 2

Sunset Day 2

Sunset day 3

Sunset day 3

Since I had the run scheduled for Saturday morning, I fixed some pasta for supper (love having a full kitchen!) and the we called it an early night.

After knocking out the run Saturday morning (don’t worry, I’ll have a separate post on Friday about it), the hubs and I headed down to the pool.  With temps in the high 60s it was the perfect weather to soak up some much needed vitamin D.  It’s funny how big of an impact the sun can have on your disposition.  Oh, and the view didn’t hurt either.  I had a book with me so I was content to sun bathe for awhile.

PCB pool view

The thing that I love most about our mini-vacations is that we have no schedule.  No need to feel like we have to do things or pack our days full of stuff.  Sometimes it’s just nice to hole away and not go, go, go.

The vacation was filled with lots of good food.  Some healthy, some not.  Typically, I try to stick to my clean eating guns but I really didn’t feel like it this weekend.  I still ate healthy but I indulged, too.  Life’s about balance; not deprivation.


Breakfast. YUM!

Post 20 mile run meal.  Confession, I was only able to eat 1 1/2 chicken strips and 1/2 the mac n cheese.  It was just way too rich.

Post 20 mile run meal. Confession, I was only able to eat 1 1/2 chicken strips and 1/2 the mac n cheese. It was just way too rich.

My cute hubby waiting patiently for me to take the picture before devouring the massive ice cream cake. Oh emmm gee, so good!

My cute hubby waiting patiently for me to take the picture before devouring the massive ice cream cake. Oh emmm gee, so good!

We had a little bit of excitement Saturday night. As we were heading out to supper, Jody noticed some water on the kitchen floor and before we knew it, there was water running down the walls of the condo.  We went outside and were greeted by a waterfall coming from the floor above us.  Long story short, the condo directly on top of us had flooded.  It had over 12″ of water in it.  So we moved.

Yes, that would be water coming out of the electrical panel. And also the waterfall from the floor above us.

Yes, that would be water coming out of the electrical panel. And also the waterfall from the floor above us (it’s not rain).

Sunday was just another day of laying around, sun bathing, and eating.  I really should have gone to the gym like I had planned, but I was just enjoying doing nothing.  And then Monday we went home.  Back to the real world – bleh.  I wanted to stay in Vacationland just a bit longer.

Goodbye.  Until next year, you stay classy, Florida!{Please tell me someone got that Anchorman reference...}

Goodbye. Until next year, you stay classy, Florida!
{Please tell me someone got that Anchorman reference…}

I stayed {mostly} unplugged during the weekend which was really nice.  Between the blog, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and e-mails, I can get a bit overwhelmed with all the notifications and constant checking of my phone.  Plus it’s really annoying for my hubby to carry on a conversation with someone whose constantly connected to her phone.  The next time you get away, I definitely encourage you to unplug.  Spend some quality time with each other and not 500 million of your ‘closet’ friends. 😉

Question: When you go on vacation, do you have to have things to-do planned or do you just relax?

26 thoughts on “Getting Away

  1. Looks like such a great vacation–especially since I’m typing this in freezing (about 10*F) NYC! My grandfather has a condo in Florida, so my family tries to go there at least a few times each year. I always have the best intentions to workout during these trips–I can run on the beach!–but they usually don’t happen. 😉 Kudos for completing your 20-miler! Even though I love being active, I’ll never say no to some R&R (and reading time!) on the beach. 🙂

    • 10*?? OUCH! I forget how cold that is when I’m on my “I miss snow tirades”. Yay for treadmills, bike trainers and indoor pools, right? Now that you have the tri in Florida soon you have no excuse not to get at least one trip to you grandfather’s condo. 🙂

  2. OMG your post run meal looks delicious! And it’s all of my favorite foods! We can eat together anytime. Also, that hotel/condo/whatever looks GORGEOUS! Oh my gosh girl, you deserved that vacation. You were living the dream for a few days 🙂

    • You have great taste, Sarah! The hubster took one for the team and ate my leftovers. I don’t know if I say I deserved the vacation but I took it anyway. 🙂 AND loved every minute of it! Sending warm thoughts to you, my northern friend.

  3. Omg your pictures are beautiful..that seems like one hell of a vacation!!! I’m definitely putting Panama City Beach on my list of places to travel. Where did you stay (if you don’t mind me asking)? It looks soo nice and cozy! I think I could eat that entire piece of ice cream cake by myself…one of my favorite desserts! I’m glad you got to enjoy a few days relaxing with your hubby 🙂

  4. Yay for vacations! Love the sunset shots. I’d totally sit there and watch that any day! We are headed to Mexico in 15 days for a week of fun in the sun. No schedule, other than I need to get 3 runs in. We’ll do whatever we please for a week. If that means sitting on the beach reading, then so be it. As long as G is with me, it doesn’t really matter what we do. 😀

  5. I loveee that you guys do this!! So important to keep that bond strong! What a great getaway (minus the water adventure!) Great job on the 20miler on vacation!

  6. im so glad that you guys were able to get away for a few days! you sure deserve it! looks like you had such a nice time!! ❤

  7. Looks like a gorgeous place to stay! So weird about the floor above you flooding! Crazy!!!! And that choco dessert looks yummy!

    I’ve never been on a ‘real’ vacation by myself or with friends, only family vacays. And usually its a mix of both. If we go to a winter place for a couple weeks, we spend a good portion of time skiing or hitting the hot tub to relax the muscles for the next day. On an off day I like to get in a short run, can’t do over 3 miles since high altitude kills me.

    I find I am pretty much not on my phone or computer on vacation, its an oppportunity to read or crochet! Once spent 4 days straight crocheting friends christmas presents (scarves with matching wrist warmers with thumb holes)! Loved it!

    • Skiing and hot tubbing sound awesome; that’s fantastic y’all do that as a family. I graduated high school in Colorado so I miss snow activities (not the freezing cold though).

      I’ve seen some of your crotcheted (spelling?) items on instagram and I still think you need to open an Etsy shop. You are so talented!

  8. Pingback: Training Doesn’t Take Vacations | Noshing On Asphalt

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